21 08, 2019
  • High Latency

High Latency is “Killing” you

2019-08-21T10:30:19-04:00August 21st, 2019|

Why is Low Latency DOCSIS Relevant to Gameplay and Why You Should Care Gaming is a billion-dollar industry with billions of players, and they use broadband to get there. I’ve spent a lot of time discussing the importance of low latency DOCSIS over the last couple of years on my podcast and YouTube channel. Let’s dive into it a bit more. Low latency or ping is desirable to achieve smoother gameplay and a user experience without lagging. If the ping is around 1000 milliseconds or higher, it’s definitely

16 02, 2009

Troubleshooting DOCSIS – VoIP Impairments > Delay & Jitter

2021-08-17T15:54:55-04:00February 16th, 2009|

In this blog I will address delay and jitter as they pertain to VoIP in a DOCSIS network.  Delay, jitter and packet loss are the three primary impairment in a VoIP network, but packet loss was addressed in my Troubleshooting DOCSIS - VoIP Impairments > Packet Loss blog. After packet loss, delay is the second most disruptive impairment in VoIP networks.  The effects of delay to the caller generally appear as echo and talker overlap. In PSTN communications, echo can arise as acoustic echo between the mouthpiece and

15 02, 2009

Troubleshooting DOCSIS – VoIP Impairments > Packet Loss

2021-08-17T15:45:30-04:00February 15th, 2009|

In this blog I am going to focus on VoIP packet loss, which is just one of the three (3) primary types of VoIP impairments that are present in a DOCSIS network. I will cover many RF and IP terms in this blog that I have not discussed in my previous tutorials, not to worry! This terminology is all fodder for future blogs. :-) To review, the three fundamental impairments which impact call quality of VoIP communications are as follows: * Packet Loss – The complete or partial loss of a packet containing actual voice payload. * Delay – The time a packet takes to traverse the space between the source and destination of a voice call. The space is comprised of both the physical distance the data must travel in addition to the active network routing and switching elements, which contribute additional delay. * Jitter – The variance of inter-packet arrival time from one transmitted packet to the next sequential packet.

13 02, 2009

Troubleshooting DOCSIS – VoIP Impairments

2023-02-18T10:49:47-05:00February 13th, 2009|

In this blog I am going to digress for a moment from my standard DOCSIS 101 tutorial and spend a little time on DOCSIS troubleshooting basics, especially with respect to Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP). I am doing this as due to many offline questions specific to this topic. Don't worry, though I may start to inter-mix some troubleshooting blogs now and again, just check the DOCSIS 101 page to stay on top of the latest DOCSIS tutorial blogs.

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