5 12, 2024

DOCSIS 3.1 Supercharges RF Impairment Detection Like Never Before

2024-12-05T16:00:14-05:00December 5th, 2024|

As hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) networks have expanded to deliver more robust broadband services, ensuring network reliability and performance has become a top priority for cable operators. DOCSIS® has long been the foundational technology enabling efficient and high-speed data transmission over HFC networks. With each new iteration, DOCSIS has introduced technological improvements that enhance its capabilities, and DOCSIS 3.1 is no exception. DOCSIS 3.1 has revolutionized the process of detecting and troubleshooting radio frequency (RF) impairments, which are a major source of network performance issues impacting subscribers. Accurate RF

29 11, 2023

PMA-PNM Connection in DOCSIS 3.1

2023-11-30T08:58:56-05:00November 29th, 2023|

DOCSIS 3.1 modems have ushered in a new era of high-speed connectivity. However, ensuring their consistent performance, especially in the face of network impairments, demands a robust strategy. This is where the synergy of the profile management application (PMA) and proactive network maintenance (PNM) becomes invaluable. The twin pillars of optimal network performance 1. The PMA is designed to compensate for RF impairments in OFDM and OFDMA channels—it doesn’t fix the impairments, but goes a long way to work around them. Function: PMA is dedicated to refining the data

23 08, 2021

DOCSIS is Green

2021-08-23T11:28:23-04:00August 23rd, 2021|

DOCSIS is Green (full length). Shorter and cleaner version is seen in Broadband Library DOCSIS Going Green. The simplest solution is almost always the best. Through technological advancements we can do more with less. There are important discussions happening about green initiatives in our industry. Usually on the consumer electronics side. According to the NCTA “Cable operators, video programmers, equipment manufacturers, research labs and others are now providing a more energy efficient experience that is saving consumers millions of dollars in energy bills and preventing millions of metric tons of

20 11, 2019

How Telecoms are Leveraging 5G to Attract Gamers

2019-11-20T10:10:00-05:00November 20th, 2019|

Low latency DOCSIS and gaming — a billion dollar industry we cannot ignore In the last issue of Broadband Library, I wrote an in-depth article on low latency DOCSIS (LLD). The big focus for LLD was on gaming and the rise of Esports (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esports). If you recall, Esports is a billion dollar industry with 454 million viewers in 2019 and growing very quickly. Low latency DOCSIS is required in our industry to keep millions of subscribers who want to continue to use our broadband services for the purpose of Esports

21 08, 2019
  • High Latency

High Latency is “Killing” you

2019-08-21T10:30:19-04:00August 21st, 2019|

Why is Low Latency DOCSIS Relevant to Gameplay and Why You Should Care Gaming is a billion-dollar industry with billions of players, and they use broadband to get there. I’ve spent a lot of time discussing the importance of low latency DOCSIS over the last couple of years on my podcast and YouTube channel. Let’s dive into it a bit more. Low latency or ping is desirable to achieve smoother gameplay and a user experience without lagging. If the ping is around 1000 milliseconds or higher, it’s definitely

28 05, 2019

FDX More Options for Operators

2019-05-28T11:11:54-04:00May 28th, 2019|

The full duplex (FDX) DOCSIS extension to the DOCSIS 3.1 specification has been finalized in Annex J of that spec. What does this mean? A major goal of FDX DOCSIS is the ability to deliver symmetrical data speeds up to 10 Gbps in hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) networks. How does it work? I covered some of this in the Spring 2018 issue of Broadband Library on FDX which you can find here: https://broadbandlibrary.com/full-duplex-docsis/ and will further explore the benefits of FDX now. Why FDX Now? Why am I focusing

26 02, 2019

What Can DOCSIS PNM Do For Me?

2020-06-11T11:10:05-04:00February 26th, 2019|

It's a Question You Might Ask Yourself Proactive network maintenance (PNM) has been steadily growing in acceptance and popularity over the past several years with adoption amongst cable operators from Tier 1 such as Comcast all the way to the smallest Tier 4 operators — both in the U.S. and internationally — as a tool for optimizing their work force and improving subscriber quality of experience (QoE). No longer is it seen as a shiny gimmick or a novelty to detect the poltergeist in the network before it

20 02, 2018

Full Duplex DOCSIS

2020-04-02T12:23:26-04:00February 20th, 2018|

Putting the symmetry in DOCSIS and enabling increased bandwidth and speed.  Why does symmetry matter you ask, especially in broadband? Well you have symmetry in fiber. Big deal, right? Yes, now FDX allows for coax to do something that it could never do before, have symmetry just like fiber. So FDX continues the alphabet soup of our industry but through symmetry allows for increased broadband and speed in coax. So let’s take another bite of the alphabet soup together. In my last article I covered remote PHY (R-PHY)

14 02, 2018

There’s an app for that…

2018-02-14T13:11:22-05:00February 14th, 2018|

DOCSIS 3.1 has gone from concept to silicon.  Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) is emerging as a staple in the industry, and we are seeing the cable rapidly evolving into an app-driven industry.  It’s an exciting time to be in cable! In my last article I mentioned how ‘everything is becoming an app’.  This has been mentioned recently in numerous articles.  The typical subscriber - maybe even you - really likes the concept of apps.  Think of how Netflix has transformed our industry.  Netflix is really an app that

31 08, 2017
  • Broadband Library Fall 2017


2020-04-02T09:29:04-04:00August 31st, 2017|

To Boldly Go Where Cable Has Not Gone Before – Virtual CMTS-CCAP By Brady Volpe - As published in Broadband Library Star Trek brought us ideas like cell phones, tablets, Bluetooth, MRIs and MP3s and more My name is not Morpheus and I’m not asking you to choose between a blue or red pill here, but let me start off by saying I started out as a hardware guy in the business. I know hardware, I like hardware but I have converted into being a software dude. My

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