3 02, 2014

PNM and HFC Readiness for DOCSIS 3.1 – CCTA 2014

2021-12-15T10:11:40-05:00February 3rd, 2014|

Daniel Howard, CTO of the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) presented at this years CCTA on "HFC Readiness for DOCSIS 3.1". Daniel had a presentation that couldn't be beet and held the attention of the audience. Key topics he covered were the rapid growth of Internet traffic, cable operator's desire to extend the life of coax cable at least another 20 years, PNM and the realization that 4096-QAM is a reality in the cable plant.

22 01, 2014
  • DOCSIS 3.1 Modulation

DOCSIS 3.1: Modulation Options and Impacts – Part Two

2023-02-17T13:02:40-05:00January 22nd, 2014|

What’s Next for DOCSIS 3.1 Modulation Options and Impacts DOCSIS 3.1 modulation - Many wonder how today’s networks will support high order modulations such as 4096-QAM. There are two technologies in the DOCSIS 3.1 standard that will enable this without requiring changes to existing outside plant. The first is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This is a complex word for taking many small QAM channels, like 25 kHz instead of 6 MHz, and placing them very close together. OFDM also has dynamic properties. If you have a block

13 11, 2013

PNM Presentation – SCTE EXPO 2013

2020-04-02T13:38:22-04:00November 13th, 2013|

Proactive Network Operations - SCTE EXPO 2013 Presentation aka Proactive Network Maintenance "PNM" DOCSIS Pre-Equalization: Vastly Powerful, Often Undervalued If you are interested in pre-equalization analysis (PNM) and the significant benefits these applications have for  cable operators you can watch the presentation which was given by Brady Volpe at SCTE EXPO 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia.  It will also include the activity surrounding the CableLabs initiative on PNM.

11 11, 2013

DOCSIS Burst Demod – SCTE EXPO 2013 – Fresh Tech

2013-11-11T09:00:21-05:00November 11th, 2013|

DOCSIS Burst Demod SCTE EXPO 2013 - Fresh Tech There were some new and exciting things at this years SCTE.  There was a good drum line at the opening event but also there were new products and innovative ideas (Cisco and PNM).  In test equipment this year at the SCTE EXPO Rohde and Schwarz, JDSU and VeEx all had some new things on display.  None of the items are currently shipping (with the exception of R&S who used existing equipment) but it does show that test equipment vendors are

6 11, 2013

Cisco’s New CMTS and Nodes – SCTE EXPO 2013 – Fresh Tech

2013-11-06T09:00:16-05:00November 6th, 2013|

Cisco's New CMTS and Nodes SCTE EXPO 2013 - Fresh Tech Feeling special having been invited into the "whisper suit" at CISCO's booth to get a first look at Cisco's new CMTS and Node.  No one was permitted to take photo's so my description will have to be enough. Cisco has gotten completely out of their normal box for their new CMTS.  It is much smaller than the traditional 10k.  It's also much quieter than the 10k.  It also looks cool.  Those are the small things... What really

30 10, 2013

Cable App for iPad and Android – Cable-Tec EXPO 2013 – Fresh Tech

2013-10-30T09:44:55-04:00October 30th, 2013|

Cable App for iPad and Android SCTE Cable-Tec EXPO 2013 At this years SCTE EXPO I again walked the show floor looking for innovative and cool technology that equipment vendors were showing.  This years Expo had some great new products, one I'll be highlighting in this article, which is a cable app for iPad and Android devices by 4Cable.tv.  Now to be totally honest I actually never made it to all the booths.  I ran out of time!  Which is a good and a bad thing.  It means

12 09, 2013

DOCSIS 3.1: Begin Preparing Now

2013-09-12T14:45:51-04:00September 12th, 2013|

DOCSIS 3.1: Begin Preparing Now Posted on September 11, 2013 by Carl Weinschenk-BTR Experts believe that DOCSIS 3.1 is few years off. The specification has not yet been finalized. After that, test and early customer premise equipment (CPE) and corresponding CMTS and CCAP line cards will be sprinkled through systems. The bottom line is that it will be a long time until DOCSIS 3.1 is an element of everyday cable operations. So preparations should start now. The industry has been down this road before. What seems like a long road, with

26 08, 2013
  • DOCSIS T3 and T4 timeouts

DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Registration with T3 & T4 Timeouts Poster

2024-03-01T14:07:16-05:00August 26th, 2013|

Our Popular "DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Registration with DOCSIS T3 T4 Timeout Poster" is Back. DOCSIS T3 T4 timeout poster is 23 x 35 inches and a must have for your headend.  That's approximately two feet by three feet.  It's a nice size to hang up in your headend or in your office.  It's extremely popular and we only have a limited quantity left. We have a limited quantity of posters that we will be distributing at the SCTE EXPO or you can leave us a comment below

22 08, 2013

Troubleshooting Cable Networks

2020-04-02T09:57:28-04:00August 22nd, 2013|

CED Presents an Educational Webcast Troubleshooting Cable Networks - Understanding Ingress Impairments Brady Volpe will be a panelist on: "The two-way nature of cable networks is being increasingly exploited for innovative new features and services, including interactive TV applications, video conferencing, data back up, and wireless backhaul (all in addition to high speed data, VoIP, and Internet TV). Growing reliance on the return path highlights the very common problem of upstream cable ingress interferences. MSO's are planning the deployment of DOCSIS 3.1 technology to offer greater downstream/ upstream

21 08, 2013

DOCSIS PNM – Something Really Interesting!

2021-08-18T09:15:32-04:00August 21st, 2013|

DOCSIS PNM - Get Excited! Awhile back I wrote an article about DOCSIS Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM).  Not only did I find this technology fascinating I decided to really get involved with PNM.  I will also be speaking at SCTE EXPO on the topic of PNM this year.  Topic: DOCSIS Pre-Equalization: Vastly Powerful, Often Undervalued For those of you who have not heard of PNM, here are the highlights.  DOCSIS Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) developed by InGeNeOs™ under Cablelabs®.   It is one of the coolest technologies I've been involved

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