20 11, 2013

PNM – Proactive Network Maintenance – SCTE EXPO 2013 – Fresh Tech

2020-04-02T12:44:14-04:00November 20th, 2013|

PNM - Proactive Network Maintenance CableLabs Booth - SCTE EXPO 2013 - Fresh Tech The PNM demonstration in the CableLabs booth was very popular at this years SCTE EXPO as was Armstrong and Comcast.  Both very impressive.  Comcast's demonstration of their PNM Scout Flux solution by the SCTE Pavilion was most impressive.  It won the BTR 4.5 diamond award in 2012, but it is not for sale.  Now Comcast has been working on their solution for over five (5) years with a team of smart people working on

19 09, 2012

See Us | SCTE EXPO Workshop DOCSIS and EPON

2012-09-19T03:30:12-04:00September 19th, 2012|

EPON, EPoC, DPoE, RFoG, DOCSIS®-Beyond the Alphabet Soup Operators’ services are migrating from traditional to IP delivery, which is driving a need for an evolution in the access network. Technology changes to the access network are a multi-year deployment cycle, so operators are investigating and trialing different technologies for next generation delivery. This session will explore the pros and cons, technical and financial trade-offs, and possible hybrid approaches of these various technologies. Moderator: Brady Volpe, CTO & Founder, The Volpe Firm, Inc. Advanced DOCSIS® vs. EPoC: A Residential Case

22 11, 2011
  • CPAT Flex Ingress Detection solution

Fresh Tech | Leakage Detection with Brains!

2011-11-22T11:11:29-05:00November 22nd, 2011|

I admit that while I help my clients better understand the sources and negative impacts of RF ingress on DOCSIS in a cable plant, I have never found leakage/ingress detection itself particularly high-tech. That was until Daniel Babeux of VGI Solutions gave me a demo of their CPAT Flex Platform. The live demo was straightforward which made it so convincing and intriguing. It consisted of a truck-mount magnetic antenna that connected into a little green box (the brains behind the operation), and a piece of coax cable seemingly chewed upon by a squirrel. The latter connected back into the CATV plant. The awesome part of the demonstration was seeing the location of the antenna appear on Google maps at the Georgia Convention Center in Atlanta, GA. Next when the damaged coax was replaced, the leakage point on the map disappeared along with magnitude of the leakage entering the plant.

11 09, 2011
  • DOCSIS 3.0 Speaking Engagements

DOCSIS 3.0 Speaking Engagements

2011-09-11T18:04:11-04:00September 11th, 2011|

See me present at IBBS's symposium during September 13-14, 2011 or Cable-Tec Expo during November 15-17, 2011 on DOCSIS 3.0 test equipment and troubleshooting.

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