22 07, 2013
  • Averna DOCSIS Test System

DOCSIS Channel Emulator – Impairments Made Easy

2013-07-22T09:00:55-04:00July 22nd, 2013|

DOCSIS Channel Emulator - Impairments Made Easy by Averna While at ANGACOM this year I came across Averna's DOCSIS Channel Emulator (DCE).  It's an interesting product that can be put to good use in an MSO lab, vendor lab or anyone needing to create real-world impairments that impact DOCSIS.  Intrigued by the product, I followed up with Averna and got a hands-on demonstration at Averna's Atlanta office. Averna's DOCSIS Channel Emulator - What's Good... So first, if you are doing DOCSIS testing, it is likely that you have

8 10, 2012
  • Web Hog

Capacity Planning | Build It & They Will Fill It

2012-10-08T10:01:54-04:00October 8th, 2012|

Capacity Planning - Helps Make Future Capital Expenditure Decisions Capacity Planning in the good old days, was an issue that impacted neighborhoods with web hogs in the them.  Peak usage hours were dreaded, teenagers downloading music were seen as a scourge, and web surfers were just plan old annoying.  What did these people think the internet was for? How things have changed.  Today people not only download music and surf the web but also watch movie content, make video conference calls, teach classes, and do just about anything else they can think of.  What

19 09, 2012

See Us | SCTE EXPO Workshop DOCSIS and EPON

2012-09-19T03:30:12-04:00September 19th, 2012|

EPON, EPoC, DPoE, RFoG, DOCSIS®-Beyond the Alphabet Soup Operators’ services are migrating from traditional to IP delivery, which is driving a need for an evolution in the access network. Technology changes to the access network are a multi-year deployment cycle, so operators are investigating and trialing different technologies for next generation delivery. This session will explore the pros and cons, technical and financial trade-offs, and possible hybrid approaches of these various technologies. Moderator: Brady Volpe, CTO & Founder, The Volpe Firm, Inc. Advanced DOCSIS® vs. EPoC: A Residential Case

14 08, 2012

DOCSIS Security | Uncapping Cable Modems

2012-08-14T10:57:21-04:00August 14th, 2012|

So what is uncapping cable modems? Uncapping cable modems refers to activities performed to alter a DOCSIS cable modems settings. Plain and simple someone is messing with the cable modem's configuration file to get what they want.  So what do they want?  Greater bandwidth (the need for speed), wanting more than one public IP, or any other configurable options a DOCSIS modem can offer.  Maybe they just want to prove they can do it and or feel they are getting the shaft from their cable provider.  Really the psychology of people is

11 09, 2011
  • DOCSIS 3.0 Speaking Engagements

DOCSIS 3.0 Speaking Engagements

2011-09-11T18:04:11-04:00September 11th, 2011|

See me present at IBBS's symposium during September 13-14, 2011 or Cable-Tec Expo during November 15-17, 2011 on DOCSIS 3.0 test equipment and troubleshooting.

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