About Mia Colabrese

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So far Mia Colabrese has created 321 blog entries.
23 07, 2012
  • Prismcube Ruby

Tech Review | HbbTV, Linux & a Cool Box

2020-08-06T11:33:35-04:00July 23rd, 2012|

While checking out the booths at ANGA we came across a company by the name of Vu+.  What caught my eye was Linux written in big letters on the side of the booth.  Anything Linux will usually get me to walk into a booth.  We met with two associates one from Vu+, Victor Heo and one from Marusys, Rose Chang who gave us a tour of their companies products and introduced us to HbbTV. What is HbbTV?  Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) is both an industry standard and promotional initiative for hybrid

17 07, 2012

Tech Review | DEVISER S7000 TV Analyzer

2012-07-17T08:51:17-04:00July 17th, 2012|

Deviser's S7000 TV Analyzer - Many features, small package! This year at ANGA Cable show I came across a new product by DEVISER called the S7000 TV Analyzer (DEVISER OEM's their spectrum analyzer to a US based test equipment manufacturer so they have been in the business for a while and they know what they are doing).  The S7000 supports measuring ITU J.83 Annex A/B/C/D standard signals and provides Power level, MER, BER, and constellation measurements in a small package.  Also, there is an EVS tool for measuring interference

11 07, 2012

Tech Review | AND… what? Don’t let a name fool you

2012-07-11T08:48:16-04:00July 11th, 2012|

AND Mapping Solutions - With so much more! While at ANGA this year I was told about AND (Advanced Network Design) from a fellow convention goer.   He seemed really impressed with the company and it's product.  Honestly, I've never gotten excited over a mapping tool.  This is not normally something that I pay a lot of attention to.  Sure I'm aware of them and have experience with them but I just had visions of lot's of typing, imputing data, reviewing ports on nodes and connecting lines manually.  Not very exciting stuff. AND

5 07, 2012
  • DOCSIS Cable Modems go Slow

Subscribers get lower data rates than provisioned?

2020-06-09T09:36:58-04:00July 5th, 2012|

Why do my DOCSIS subscribers and their Cable Modems get lower speeds than what my DOCSIS config file says they should get? This is a common question that I am asked and it has more than one answer.  All too often the RF plant is the first to blame for low DOCSIS cable modem speeds, but in many cases the root cause of the problem can be traced back to the cable modem configuration file and/or the lack of appropriate speed test applications in the headend.  Also, some

2 07, 2012
  • ByteBlower by Excentis Featured at Anga Cable 2012

Tech Review | ByteBlower from Excentis

2023-01-14T17:04:23-05:00July 2nd, 2012|

The ByteBlower :: Blowing Bits and Bytes - Cool Tech The team at Excentis, located in Ghent, Belgium, have really outdone themselves with an incredibly cool packet generator which was on display at the Anga Cable 2012 show.  This is their second generation on the product, called the ByteBlower 2100.  It builds on the previous model, the ByteBlower 1000.  What does it do?  It generates packets of data - lot's of them and very quickly and accurately.  Why is this important?  For everyone who has a test lab and needs

20 06, 2012
  • Anga Cable 2012

Anga Cable 2012 – Tech Reviews

2020-08-06T11:32:53-04:00June 20th, 2012|

Anga Cable 2012 Full of Cool Tech If you missed this years Anga Cable 2012, fear not we attended and interviewed the new, innovative and coolest of the cool technology on the floor.  In the coming weeks we will be covering a number of the top pics from the show including some sweet test equipment, hot cable modems, intelligent mapping applications, set tops you'll want in your home, and more. What is Anga Cable?  If you are not familiar with Anga Cable, it is the European version of

2 05, 2012
  • QAM Conversion Factors Demystified

Why is QAM Getting Me Down?

2021-08-18T09:11:04-04:00May 2nd, 2012|

64-QAM lower than Analog video on the downstream?  64-QAM lower than 16-QAM on the upstream?  Why is a 6.4 MHz channel lower than a 3.2 MHz DOCSIS channel?  Someone said there is math for all of this, but man QAM is getting me down! These questions come up in every lecture I give on DOCSIS.  Why do QAM measurements show up at different levels on a spectrum analyzer than analog measurements.  What's more, why do QAM signals of different bandwidth have different levels?  Some of the questions have

28 04, 2012
  • bradyvolpe.com is now The Volpe Firm blog

Update: bradyvolpe.com is now The Volpe Firm blog

2022-01-07T11:41:06-05:00April 28th, 2012|

If you did not catch the post on bradyvolpe.com you have now been automatically redirected to the new site on The Volpe Firm blog.  As part of my company managing one big site is a lot easier than managing two separate sites.  For you as the reader there is also an upside; you'll still get the same great content and the ability to write more posts.  We have a greatly enhanced theme for the site and some improved navigation.  Feel free to let us know your thoughts. For some house

10 04, 2012

ANGA Cable Trade Show

2012-04-10T19:37:26-04:00April 10th, 2012|

Want your product featured in Fresh Tech?  For SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2011 cool products we reviewed several products.  I tried to stop and/or look at every booth but might have missed a product so if you feel your product should be featured please get in touch with me and let me know why your product deserves a review too.  To see my previous review from SCTE EXPO click Fresh Tech EXPO 2011. If you do not know what ANGA is here is a little bit of information.  ANGA Cable Show is Europe’s leading

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