19 12, 2016

DOCSIS 3.1 Beating Expectations, Working and Ready for Service Now

2016-12-19T11:18:36-05:00December 19th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 Beating Expectations, Working and Ready for Service Now At this years SCTE Cable Tec Expo, several large MSOs, such as Comcast, made statements that DOCSIS 3.1 is working and it is working with great results.  Only the downstream OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) portion is currently supported in DOCSIS 3.1 CMTSs.  Upstream OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access) is supported in the CPE side (aka cable modems), but only one CMTS vendor has support for upstream OFDMA.  This is really not considered a show stopper, however.

14 12, 2016
  • Get Your Tech On | The Industry's #1 DOCSIS Podcast

DOCSIS 3.1 Downstream and Upstream

2021-08-16T18:43:42-04:00December 14th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 Downstream and Upstream Testing and Throughput Episode 24 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm, this video / podcast has a focus on the DOCSIS 3.1 downstream and upstream with  a practical review of the latest advancements in DOCSIS 3.1 and practical applications in production systems.  Guests include John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, Jeff Riddel, Solutions Architect at Cisco Systems and Jason Miller Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco Systems. Hello Everyone.  Today is November 17th and this is episode 24 of our shows on

9 11, 2016

Capacity Planning Webinar

2020-03-23T19:35:55-04:00November 9th, 2016|

Capacity Planning Webinar Questions Starting now! Join Incognito, @volpefirm and @Midcontinent for a roundtable discussion on cable capacity planning Upcoming events can be seen under Broadband Events. Previous events can be seen under the video tab or blog search podcast. If you are watching this on youtube please hit the subscribe button and let us know what you think and remember to share.  You can find any slides at the bottom of the page or slideshare.  Find out about events or articles by following us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook too.

16 09, 2016

DOCSIS 3.1 Breakfast Panel

2021-11-24T09:10:59-05:00September 16th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 Breakfast Panel DOCSIS 3.1 remains a topic of keen interest in the cable industry. The technology offers a route to multi-gigabit services without having to resort to expensive fiber-to-the-home buildouts. Early DOCSIS 3.1 deployments have begun, and they can be expected to expand as compliant equipment - particularly customer premises gear - becomes more readily available. > This is a FREE Event, but registration is required. At SCTE Cable-Tec Expo, BTR and a panel of industry experts, including special guest speaker Jorge Salinger, VP of Access

12 09, 2016
  • Get Your Tech On | The Industry's #1 DOCSIS Podcast

Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) with Larry Wolcott, Leader at Comcast’s Next Gen Technology Group

2021-08-16T19:52:13-04:00September 12th, 2016|

Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) with Larry Wolcott, Leader at Comcast’s Next Gen Operations Technology Group Episode 23 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm, this podcast will focus on Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) and the next generation in technology in 2016 and a peak of what is to come in 2017. Guest John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems.  Special Guest Larry Wolcott, Leader at Comcast’s Next Gen Operations Technology Group.  Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) Transcription So in our show today we going to have a lot of discussions around proactive

2 09, 2016

How DOCSIS Revolutionized the Cable Industry

2024-11-21T13:32:09-05:00September 2nd, 2016|

How DOCSIS Revolutionized the Cable Industry The cable industry is constantly facing competitive threats from companies like Google and Verizon who up the data speed game with fiber optic cable.  They compete by offering higher and higher data speeds at lower and lower prices.  But before we get into that, let’s look back at the 20 years of DOCSIS history and how DOCSIS has revolutionized the cable industry. Google Fiber Expansion (Source: Google.com) 20 Years Ago - The Internet Emerges The year was 1996.  Broadband Library was celebrating

30 08, 2016
  • Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM)

Comcast Larry Wolcott Get’s His Tech On PNM 3.0 – Advances 2016 & Expectations 2017

2022-01-07T11:38:13-05:00August 30th, 2016|

Comcast Larry Wolcott Discusses PNM This video and podcast with host Brady Volpe and guests Larry Wolcott and John Downey feature Comcast Larry Wolcott Discusses PNM and Advances in Technology 2016 Advances in PNM Technology What to expect in 2017 Find out the exciting new industry happenings when it comes to PNM (Proactive Network Maintenance). Larry Wolcott of Comcast will be joining Brady and John to PNM. Larry has been heavily involved with PNM via Comcast and a leader in the industry when it comes to championing and

8 08, 2016
  • Get Your Tech On | The Industry's #1 DOCSIS Podcast

Top Reasons Cable Modems are not Getting Expected Speed and CMTS Monitoring

2021-08-16T20:05:30-04:00August 8th, 2016|

Cable Modems not Getting Speed - Top Reasons Cable Modems are not Getting Expected Speed and CMTS Monitoring Episode 22 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm, Nimble This and Guest John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems.  Today’s show we will cover cable modems not getting speed and monitoring your CMTS for proper Cable Modem State and Service Flow Operation.  At the bottom John has supplied us with his presentation if you would like to listen along with viewing the slides.  There were some technically issues

27 07, 2016
  • DOCSIS 3.1 plant

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now

2016-07-27T11:00:12-04:00July 27th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now In last month's article we focused on demystifying OFDM in DOCSIS 3.1.  If you did not read the article please do, because we are going to now build on what we learned last time in the Broadband Library DOCSIS Online article titled “OFDM, completely new in DOCSIS 3.1”.  You can find it in the archives with this link: bit.ly/OFDM3 - Also, for those not familair with bit.ly, its just a URL shortening service.  Just click on the link or type it into

26 07, 2016
  • SCTE North Country

DOCSIS 3.1 and PNM SCTE North Country

2022-01-07T11:35:02-05:00July 26th, 2016|

If you live in Minnesota and are a member of the SCTE North Country, Brady Volpe will be speaking on DOCSIS 3.1 and PNM at 10 am in Minneapolis for their vendor days. http://www.sctenorthcountry.com Upcoming events can be seen under Broadband Events. Previous events can be seen under the blog. If you are watching this on youtube please hit the subscribe button! Let us know what you think and remember to share! You can find slides at the bottom of the page and some on slideshare. Find out

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