8 08, 2016
  • Get Your Tech On | The Industry's #1 DOCSIS Podcast

Top Reasons Cable Modems are not Getting Expected Speed and CMTS Monitoring

2021-08-16T20:05:30-04:00August 8th, 2016|

Cable Modems not Getting Speed - Top Reasons Cable Modems are not Getting Expected Speed and CMTS Monitoring Episode 22 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm, Nimble This and Guest John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems.  Today’s show we will cover cable modems not getting speed and monitoring your CMTS for proper Cable Modem State and Service Flow Operation.  At the bottom John has supplied us with his presentation if you would like to listen along with viewing the slides.  There were some technically issues

27 07, 2016
  • DOCSIS 3.1 plant

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now

2016-07-27T11:00:12-04:00July 27th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now In last month's article we focused on demystifying OFDM in DOCSIS 3.1.  If you did not read the article please do, because we are going to now build on what we learned last time in the Broadband Library DOCSIS Online article titled “OFDM, completely new in DOCSIS 3.1”.  You can find it in the archives with this link: bit.ly/OFDM3 - Also, for those not familair with bit.ly, its just a URL shortening service.  Just click on the link or type it into

26 05, 2016
  • Get Your Tech On | The Industry's #1 DOCSIS Podcast

DOCSIS 3.1 Clearing Up Misconceptions

2021-08-16T20:10:13-04:00May 26th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 Clearing Up Misconceptions with DOCSIS 3.1 Spectrum Allocation Episode 21 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This, with guest John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems. Today’s show we will cover DOCSIS 3.1 spectrum allocation, applications and deployment in existing cable plants. No changes in the existing plants are necessary!  What Cable Operators need to know. In addition, ANGACOM presentation preview by both John Downey and Brady Volpe who will be presenting at ANGACOM this year. Find out what they will be covering.

18 12, 2015
  • DOCSIS 3.1

Doubling Down on DOCSIS 3.1

2022-01-20T11:36:56-05:00December 18th, 2015|

Doubling Down on DOCSIS 3.1 DOCSIS 3.1 and PNM were hot topics at Cable Tec Expo in New Orleans and in most major publications and articles for 2015.  Comcast is the largest driver of DOCSIS 3.1, but my recommendations are that whether you are a tier 1, tier 2 or even tier 3 cable operator DOCSIS 3.1 should be on your roadmap.  Consumer behavior and technical innovations are leading factors behind this statement and I elaborate below. Consumer Behavior and the State of Internet Traffic Growth In May

14 12, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

Operational Challenges – DOCSIS CMTS Challenges to Operators

2021-08-17T08:04:36-04:00December 14th, 2015|

Operational Challenges in Cable - CMTS Challenges to Operators Episode 17 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This.  Guest John Downey and Steve William TWC Director, Access Network Planning, Design & Operations.  Steve is also a huge supporter of the SCTE, having served as on a number of SCTE chapter and National board positions and is currently serving on our SCTE Board of Directors.  Hello Steve and thanks so much for your support of the SCTE and to our industry.  We will also cover operational challenges

5 10, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

CableLabs interop DOCSIS 3.1 Channel Bonding

2021-08-17T08:14:53-04:00October 5th, 2015|

CableLabs Interop, DOCSIS 3.1 Channel Bonding Episode 15 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This, with Guest John Downey.  Today we have news, updates from the CableLabs interop in Colorado, Max transmit power with 8 upstream DOCSIS 3.1 channel bonding, more on T3 timeout, partial mode oh my, T1 timeouts, my recommendations on ad blocking and more. In the NEWS SCTE Cable Tec Expo is less than two months away in New Orleans Apple's fourth-generation Apple TV will be available in late October. Hackers have stolen personal

20 07, 2015
  • DOCSIS 3.1


2021-08-18T10:05:06-04:00July 20th, 2015|

DOCSIS Reboot… Everybody is talking about DOCSIS 3.1 and the technology surrounding it.  In the coming months I will cover both the emerging technology of DOCSIS and how it impacts our careers, our subscribers and our industry with a focus on DOCSIS 3.1.  This is an opportunity to discuss both the technical aspects of the DOCSIS specifications and then discuss the impacts. As an example, when we first introduced quality of service (QoS) in the DOCSIS 1.1 specification there were a lot of items that were not quite tangible.

29 06, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

ANGACOM, DOCSIS 3.1, PNM, Wifi and Next Generation TV review

2021-08-17T08:46:11-04:00June 29th, 2015|

Next Generation TV, ANGACOM, DOCSIS 3.1, PNM and review Episode 13 Hosted by Brady Volpe was joined by John Downey discussing Next Generation TV, smart TV, OFDM, WiFi issues in the home and how they impact the cable operator, operational changes requires to be proactive and not reactive in the cable plant, DOCSIS 3.1 & other cable topics from plus many other topics including PNM (Proactive Network Maintenance) and answering several questions from followers. ANGACOM was really quite big this year with over 20k attendees, consisting of 4k vendors and 17k operator attendees

11 05, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

INTX The Internet & Television Expo Review – Episode 12

2021-08-17T08:49:48-04:00May 11th, 2015|

INTX The Internet & Television Expo Review Episode 12 hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This with guest John Downey with discussion highlights on INTX The Internet and Television Expo plus many other topics including PNM (Proactive Network Maintenance), DOCSIS 3.1 and answering several questions from followers. We do our best to bring our audience great technical content every month. You can watch us live on the air or catch our recorded episodes on YouTube. Or download our audio only version with your favorite podcatcher. If

13 04, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS Internet Security – internet security and recommended best practices Episode 11

2021-08-17T09:01:26-04:00April 13th, 2015|

DOCSIS Internet Security Episode 11 Brady Volpe was joined by John Downey, Dan Hegglin and Brian Wilson discussing the challenges cable operators face with DOCSIS internet security and recommended best practices they can follow to secure their networks from DDoS, DoS, DNS, High Value Targets and many more. More about Dan Hegglin of Cisco and Brain Wilson of Alcatel-Lucent Brian has been in the IT Security & Cable industry for just at 20 years. He started his career in the US Army in the Signal Corps and has worked since with many

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