23 02, 2021
  • OFDMA Troubleshooting

OFDMA Troubleshooting

2021-08-15T16:10:19-04:00February 23rd, 2021|

OFDMA Upstream Troubleshooting. Tips, suggestions and recommendations. Another power hour of cable with Brady Volpe and John Downey CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco. More and more operators are introducing OFDMA into their networks and experiencing a learning curve with its introduction. Find out ways to overcome these issues and ask any questions you may have. The discussion is on all things DOCSIS. OFDMA "UPSTREAM" Troubleshooting: General intro OFMDA Upstream. The A means upstream 50% increase in upstream traffic Noise in return Cable Modems locking up CM locking up

6 01, 2021
  • OFDMA 204 MHz Upstream

OFDMA 204 MHz Upstream

2021-08-15T16:13:35-04:00January 6th, 2021|

Another power hour of cable with Brady Volpe and John Downey CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco, explore 204 MHz in OFDMA deeper with a brief overview of the differences between OFDMA and OFDM.  Also with a discussion on LEO satellites Starlink by SpaceX and answer more questions from our listeners. The discussion is on all things DOCSIS. OFDMA 204 MHz Upstream: General intro Low Earth Satellites and the internet Supports gaming Back scatter More satellites than since the dawn of satellites Do subscribe and hit the thumbs

24 11, 2020
  • OFDM and OFDMA


2020-11-25T08:36:22-05:00November 24th, 2020|

OFDM and OFDMA The value added and what it means to my network By now you have heard or have been exposed to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). It was the innovative technology introduced in Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) 3.1 to increase the efficiency by which DOCSIS networks can transmit data in the downstream. Additionally, many cable operators are now actively deploying orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), which was also introduced in the DOCSIS 3.1 specification in order to increase upstream bandwidth efficiency. So just what

9 06, 2020

DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream OFDMA

2021-08-17T10:43:08-04:00June 9th, 2020|

Hi Everyone, we are going to give an update on the DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream OFDMA - lessons learned and more This is episode 60 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This. We have two guests with us today, John Downey,  CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John.  Also with us is Jason Miller, Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco Systems, welcome to the show Jason. If you like what you are watching

19 08, 2019
  • DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream

DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream

2021-08-15T18:39:37-04:00August 19th, 2019|

Happy Friday Everyone.  Today is July 12th and this is episode 50 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.  With us is, John Downey. John is also CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John.    Todays show overview: FDX / CBR-8 - Is it dead at CISCO? Node plus Zero DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream - General discussion Low Latency  / ESports OFDMA Remote-PHY ATDMA 85Mhz systems Bonding groups Profiles in the upstream Different and challenging

27 07, 2016
  • DOCSIS 3.1 plant

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now

2016-07-27T11:00:12-04:00July 27th, 2016|

DOCSIS 3.1 In Your Plant Now In last month's article we focused on demystifying OFDM in DOCSIS 3.1.  If you did not read the article please do, because we are going to now build on what we learned last time in the Broadband Library DOCSIS Online article titled “OFDM, completely new in DOCSIS 3.1”.  You can find it in the archives with this link: bit.ly/OFDM3 - Also, for those not familair with bit.ly, its just a URL shortening service.  Just click on the link or type it into

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