22 07, 2015

DOCSIS – Change is Coming and it is Good

2021-11-24T09:43:56-05:00July 22nd, 2015|

DOCSIS - Change is Coming and it is Good Everyone is talking about it. Everyone in cable will be impacted by it. You may not realize it but DOCSIS 3.1 will change the cable industry — whether cable operator, vendor or consumer. Even if you don’t plan to upgrade to DOCSIS 3.1 you will be impacted. There are two fundamental technologies that DOCSIS 3.1 has me excited about. First, DOCSIS 3.1 enables gigabit speeds, which allows us to extend the life of coax cable without the expense of

20 07, 2015
  • DOCSIS 3.1


2021-08-18T10:05:06-04:00July 20th, 2015|

DOCSIS Reboot… Everybody is talking about DOCSIS 3.1 and the technology surrounding it.  In the coming months I will cover both the emerging technology of DOCSIS and how it impacts our careers, our subscribers and our industry with a focus on DOCSIS 3.1.  This is an opportunity to discuss both the technical aspects of the DOCSIS specifications and then discuss the impacts. As an example, when we first introduced quality of service (QoS) in the DOCSIS 1.1 specification there were a lot of items that were not quite tangible.

13 04, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS Internet Security – internet security and recommended best practices Episode 11

2021-08-17T09:01:26-04:00April 13th, 2015|

DOCSIS Internet Security Episode 11 Brady Volpe was joined by John Downey, Dan Hegglin and Brian Wilson discussing the challenges cable operators face with DOCSIS internet security and recommended best practices they can follow to secure their networks from DDoS, DoS, DNS, High Value Targets and many more. More about Dan Hegglin of Cisco and Brain Wilson of Alcatel-Lucent Brian has been in the IT Security & Cable industry for just at 20 years. He started his career in the US Army in the Signal Corps and has worked since with many

26 01, 2015
  • Get Your Tech On

Full Band Capture a Spectrum Analyzer in DOCSIS Cable Modem Episode 9

2021-08-17T09:11:29-04:00January 26th, 2015|

DOCSIS 3.0 Full Band Capture and So Much More Episode 9 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This with guest John Downey of Cisco.  Brady and John cover the benefits of the latest technology available (full band capture) in DOCSIS 3.0 cable modems such as: Full band capture offering spectrum analyzer functionality in every subscriber home with DOCSIS 3.0 modem Extended transmit power allowing cable modems higher transmit power when in bonded modem with the new CableLabs ECR Built-in FTP transfer allowing local speedtest functionality PNM

22 12, 2014
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS Load Balancing Continued Episode 8

2021-08-17T09:20:34-04:00December 22nd, 2014|

DOCSIS Load Balancing Continued, DOCSIS 3.1 and other questions answered Episode 8 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This with guest John Downey of Cisco.  Brady and John cover what DOCSIS load balancing is all about, best practices for load balancing, and common challenges faced with DOCSIS load balancing.  The guys also go over some Q&A from the audience and write-in questions from viewers. If you have questions about an episode or have a suggestion for a new topic write in on comments. We do

3 11, 2014
  • Get Your Tech On

Load Balancing DOCSIS 3.1

2021-08-17T09:27:23-04:00November 3rd, 2014|

Load Balancing, DOCSIS 3.1 and Power Calculations Episode 7 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This with guest John Downey of Cisco.  Discussion Highlights included DOCSIS 3.1, Load Balancing, Proactive Network Maintenance - PNM and Power Calculations. We do our best to bring our audience great technical content every month. You can watch us live on the air or catch our recorded episodes on YouTube. Or download our audio only version with your favorite podcatcher. If you have enjoyed this episode, please do hit the subscribe button so that

25 08, 2014
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS 3.1 Backwards Compatible – Episode 5

2021-08-17T09:34:23-04:00August 25th, 2014|

DOCSIS 3.1 Backwards Compatible so it can Co-Exist with Legacy DOCSIS Episode 5 Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm and Nimble This with Guest John Downey of Cisco.  DOCSIS 3.1 backwards compatible is good news.  Other discussion highlights: Remote PHY Different bandwidths in DOCSIS 3.1 Difference between DFB, FP and digital returns Legacy DOCSIS and DOCSIS 3.1 can coexistist in the same bandwidth DOCSIS 3.1 capacity planning can be a challenge since modulation can change dynamically We do our best to bring our audience great technical content every

31 07, 2014
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream and Downstream Channel Bonding

2021-08-13T16:08:00-04:00July 31st, 2014|

DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream and Downstream Bonding have many advantages Hosted by Brady Volpe of the Volpe Firm with guest John Downey of Cisco.  DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream and Downstream Bonding have many Advantages.  For example: DOCSIS Upstream and Downstream Pro's and Con's: DOCSIS Cable Modem service flows Partial service DOCSIS Downstream resilience Why Downstream goes bad -  ingress, headend issues, household issues, off air ingress More frequencies / spectrum means more space for issues How Cable Modems chooses it's primary channel T3 timeouts Pre-equalization benefits Diplex filter uses Dynamic

28 07, 2014
  • Get Your Tech On

DOCSIS Channel Bonding Episode 3

2021-08-17T09:36:58-04:00July 28th, 2014|

DOCSIS 3.0 Channel Bonding – Your Questions Answered Episode 3 Hosted by Brady Volpe of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This with Guest John Downey of Cisco.  Brady and John will discuss the many advantages and disadvantages of DOCSIS 3.0 channel bonding. When everything is operating properly, we have great advantages for modem speed and operation at the expense of allocating more spectrum for more DOCSIS 3.0 channels. When things are not going well, we may not be aware or we may not have the expertise to troubleshoot the situation or even

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