23 07, 2012
  • Prismcube Ruby

Tech Review | HbbTV, Linux & a Cool Box

2020-08-06T11:33:35-04:00July 23rd, 2012|

While checking out the booths at ANGA we came across a company by the name of Vu+.  What caught my eye was Linux written in big letters on the side of the booth.  Anything Linux will usually get me to walk into a booth.  We met with two associates one from Vu+, Victor Heo and one from Marusys, Rose Chang who gave us a tour of their companies products and introduced us to HbbTV. What is HbbTV?  Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) is both an industry standard and promotional initiative for hybrid

17 07, 2012

Tech Review | DEVISER S7000 TV Analyzer

2012-07-17T08:51:17-04:00July 17th, 2012|

Deviser's S7000 TV Analyzer - Many features, small package! This year at ANGA Cable show I came across a new product by DEVISER called the S7000 TV Analyzer (DEVISER OEM's their spectrum analyzer to a US based test equipment manufacturer so they have been in the business for a while and they know what they are doing).  The S7000 supports measuring ITU J.83 Annex A/B/C/D standard signals and provides Power level, MER, BER, and constellation measurements in a small package.  Also, there is an EVS tool for measuring interference

11 07, 2012

Tech Review | AND… what? Don’t let a name fool you

2012-07-11T08:48:16-04:00July 11th, 2012|

AND Mapping Solutions - With so much more! While at ANGA this year I was told about AND (Advanced Network Design) from a fellow convention goer.   He seemed really impressed with the company and it's product.  Honestly, I've never gotten excited over a mapping tool.  This is not normally something that I pay a lot of attention to.  Sure I'm aware of them and have experience with them but I just had visions of lot's of typing, imputing data, reviewing ports on nodes and connecting lines manually.  Not very exciting stuff. AND

26 01, 2012
  • DOCSIS 3.0 Advanced Troubleshooting

Advanced Troubleshooting in a DOCSIS 3.0 Plant

2020-07-02T17:55:04-04:00January 26th, 2012|

If you missed the SCTE Cable-Tec 2011, I am making available my presentation and white paper on Advanced Troubleshooting in a DOCSIS 3.0 Plant. Each speaker had only 20 minutes to cover topics that could easily last hours, so the presentations are understandably brief. Below you will find my presentation in "Slideshare" for online viewing as well as a fully downloadable PowerPoint version. The PowerPoint version also has reader notes attached at the bottom of each slide which you may find useful. In addition, the animations work a little better in the downloadable version.

23 11, 2011
  • Intraway DOCSIS Security and Fraud Detection

Fresh Tech | Intraway Secures DOCSIS

2020-07-02T16:34:58-04:00November 23rd, 2011|

I first heard of Intraway's products through a LinkedIn request to talk about DOCSIS security from Intraway's CEO, Leandro Rzezak. This immediately peaked my interest becuase today our DOCSIS networks are inherently insecure and many are unaware of this. What do I mean by insecure? No, not crying and sniffling in a corner. They are open to theft of service, illegal intercept of the data transmitted, illegal wiretapping of phone calls, etc. Even with Baseline Privacy Interface Specification (BPI+) DOCSIS is quite hackable as evidenced on a number of well known hacking sites. The cool factor in the Fraud & Network Usage Control module offered by Intraway is that they have developed effective algorithms which sit on-top of the most used provisioning systems, Cisco's CNR and Incognito's BCC.

5 09, 2011
  • Top 10 DOCSIS 3.0 Terms

Top 10 DOCSIS 3.0 Terms You Need to Know

2021-08-17T13:31:08-04:00September 5th, 2011|

This is the speak you need to know when talking DOCSIS 3.0 to any DOCSIS Engineer or specialist. It is important that you learn the full name, in many cases the acronym and also what value the particular terminology plays in a DOCSIS 3.0 network as it will likely be crucial in troubleshooting tough-to-diagnose DOCSIS impairments.

31 07, 2011
  • DOCSIS DHCP IP Provisioining

IPv6 and PC Provisioning in a DOCSIS Network

2021-08-18T10:01:08-04:00July 31st, 2011|

With IPv6 on the way in a number of MSO (Multi-System Operator) networks, I have received numerous questions lately about how home devices such as routers and PCs attached to DOCSIS cable modems will get their IP addresses. Will cable operators suddenly start issuing IPv6 IP addresses to their customers? Will you as a subscriber need to upgrade your equipment to support IPv6? Or does the cable modem act as a Network Address Translation (NAT) device and hand-out IP address to each device attached to it? These are some very good questions and the answers are addressed in the DOCSIS specification as I will outline.

18 07, 2010
  • oDownstream Channel Bonding

DOCSIS 3.0 Tutorial – Downstream Channel Bonding

2021-08-17T16:09:16-04:00July 18th, 2010|

Downstream Channel Bonding is perhaps the ball bearings of DOCSIS 3.0, enabling subscriber data speeds in excess of 160 Mbps (4 times that of previous DOCSIS versions). While conceptually simple, the principle of combining multiple downstream DOCSIS channels together to carry the same user data must have tight constraints in order to preserve the integrity of the data and have the data arrive at the correct subscriber's device and in sequence. This article will cover both the physical layer aspects and DOCSIS protocol aspects that enable channel bonding.

7 07, 2010

DOCSIS 3.0 Tutorial – Basic Protocol 1

2021-08-18T09:58:46-04:00July 7th, 2010|

Now that we have established the two primary architectures available in DOCSIS 3.0, I-CMTS and M-CMTS (thought hybrids do exist), and the hardware components of these architectures, it is time to delve into the protocol of the DOCSIS specifications that make up DOCSIS 3.0. There are five primary specifications that I will be drawing upon from here on out listed below and located in my document library and also on the CableLabs website.

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