13 11, 2017
  • IP Video IPTV

What about IP Video IPTV and DOCSIS?

2021-08-16T13:26:56-04:00November 13th, 2017|

What about IP Video IPTV and DOCSIS? Happy Friday Everyone.  Today is November 10th and this is episode 33 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS, today our topic is What about IP Video IPTV and DOCSIS?"  Join the conversation about how this technology is used in cable plants and the fact that IP video delivery has its own set of peculiarities and characteristics, which cable will need to address comprehensively as it puts more of its high value content over the DOCSIS interface..  I'm

25 10, 2017
  • New Tech in Cable SCTE EXPO 2017 recap

New Tech in Cable and SCTE EXPO 2017 Recap

2021-08-16T15:22:27-04:00October 25th, 2017|

New Tech in Cable TV and Broadband plus SCTE EXPO 2017 Recap Happy Monday Everyone.  Today is October 23rd and this is episode 32 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.   With us is, John Downey, the man who brought “the human gun show” to cable.   John is also CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John and Mia Colabrese a commoner among cable greats. Today’s episode will cover the topic of what’s

4 10, 2017
  • Virtual CCAP

Virtual CCAP in the “hic et nunc”

2021-08-16T15:27:48-04:00October 4th, 2017|

Virtual CCAP in the "hic et nunc" No that isn't Klingon Happy Friday Everyone.  Today is September 29 and this is episode 31 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS with a focus on Virtual CCAP today.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.   With us is, John Downey, the flavor of cable.   John is also CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John.   Special guest Asaf Matatyaou, Vice President, Solutions and Product Management, Cable Edge Business at Harmonic.  Who

31 08, 2017
  • Broadband Library Fall 2017


2020-04-02T09:29:04-04:00August 31st, 2017|

To Boldly Go Where Cable Has Not Gone Before – Virtual CMTS-CCAP By Brady Volpe - As published in Broadband Library Star Trek brought us ideas like cell phones, tablets, Bluetooth, MRIs and MP3s and more My name is not Morpheus and I’m not asking you to choose between a blue or red pill here, but let me start off by saying I started out as a hardware guy in the business. I know hardware, I like hardware but I have converted into being a software dude. My

1 08, 2017

DOCSIS CMTS Suggestions, Best Practices and Recommendations Part 3

2021-08-16T15:31:55-04:00August 1st, 2017|

DOCSIS CMTS Suggestions, Best Practices and Recommendations Part 3 Happy Friday Everyone.  Today is July 21 and this is episode 30 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.   With us is, John Downey, the iron man of cable.   John is also CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John. Today’s episode is a good one.  This is part 3 on our DOCSIS CMTS Suggestions, Best Practices and Recommendations.  DOCSIS CMTS Best So the

27 06, 2017
  • Virtual CCAP

Virtual CCAP – Technology Recap R-PHY, FDX, IPTV and NDF/NDR

2021-08-16T15:38:13-04:00June 27th, 2017|

Technology recap R-PHY, FDX, Virtual CCAP, IPTV, NDF/NDR and more Episode 29 “Technology recap R-PHY, FDX, Virtual CCAP, IPTV, NDF/NDR and more" ANGACOM 2017 was very exciting this year with a lot of exciting products and interesting ideas. Remote-PHY, FDX technologies where featured as was a virtual CCAP solution.  IPTV was also heavily featured, a new German company debuted it's 10G Ethernet overlay network and an interesting NDF/NDR solution was also displayed.  Brady will discuss all the technologies seen and this will build up to feature podcasts where we plan on

12 06, 2017

Unmanaged DOCSIS WiFi – The Last 100 Maddening Feet

2017-06-12T07:59:30-04:00June 12th, 2017|

Yeah Baby - Unmanaged DOCSIS WiFi - The Last 100 Maddening Feet   One Billion dollars plus is spent yearly on residential unmanaged DOCSIS WiFi accounts, according to CableLabs.  You heard me right and I’m not quoting Austin Powers here.  How is this possible?  Okay, let’s review: Subscriber’s unmanaged WiFi networks are causing a ton of customer service representative (CSR) calls and over $1 Billion plus dollars in multiple-system operator (MSO) spending.  Subscriber unmanaged WiFi is a big dollar and optics issue for the industry.  Most subscribers do

17 05, 2017
  • Remote PHY

Remote PHY – What is All the Hype?

2021-08-16T16:02:18-04:00May 17th, 2017|

Remote PHY - What is All The Hype? Remote PHY - What's All The Hype? - Today is May 12 and this is episode 28 of Get You Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.   With us is the man who is world famous for being the Van Dam of Cable, John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John thanks for coming back again. Today’s episode is a good one.  This is Remote PHY -

15 03, 2017
  • Future Field Operations Technologies Cable

Future Field Operations Technologies Cable

2021-08-16T17:11:07-04:00March 15th, 2017|

Future Field Operations Technologies Cable What’s Coming in Field and Operations Technology with Comcast and Cisco Episode 26 of our show on All Things DOCSIS.  Hosted by Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This.  Today we have a fantastic episode for you on Future Field Operations Technologies but first let me introduce our panelists for todays show: With us we have the John Downey, CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems.  Larry Wolcott, Comcast Fellow in Operations Technology.  Finally, a man who needs little introduction, the esteemed

2 03, 2017
  • CCAP

DOCSIS 3.1 – CCAP and Cable Modems the New Rock Stars in Test

2021-11-24T09:38:45-05:00March 2nd, 2017|

DOCSIS 3.1 - BOOM - Drop the Mic.  CCAP and Cable Modems the New Rock Stars in Test We have always known that DOCSIS rocks but it is just so much cooler than we all thought.  In the Winter edition of Broadband Library, I talked about how DOCSIS® 3.1 were beating expectations and performing exceptionally well in production environments.  In this article, I want to focus on how the DOCSIS 3.1 specification outlines the test side, which enables operators to maintain deployed systems.  Yes, you read that right,

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