9 06, 2020

DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream OFDMA

2021-08-17T10:43:08-04:00June 9th, 2020|

Hi Everyone, we are going to give an update on the DOCSIS 3.1 Upstream OFDMA - lessons learned and more This is episode 60 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This. We have two guests with us today, John Downey,  CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John.  Also with us is Jason Miller, Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco Systems, welcome to the show Jason. If you like what you are watching

5 06, 2020
  • T3 Timeouts

Do T3 Timeouts Impact My Service?

2020-07-04T15:36:10-04:00June 5th, 2020|

I see T3 timeouts in my cable modem's log - does this impact my data speeds? The answer is yes, the T3 timeouts could be an indicator that your data speeds and overall service performance is degraded and there is something you may even be able to do about it. To fully understand T3 timeouts and why this is something you may be able to change, read on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjieCgQ6Ji0 What are T3 Timeouts? First, let's start with a basic understanding of why you are seeing T3 timeouts and

14 05, 2020
  • DAA Plant Balancing - Volpe Firm 59

Plant Balancing in Distributed Access Architecture- Part Two

2021-08-17T10:45:06-04:00May 14th, 2020|

Plant Balancing in a Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) Part Two This is episode 59 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS. I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This. John Downey is with me today. John is CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John. Recap from last week: Balancing the plant is not the same in a distributed access architecture network When you migrate to Remote PHY - you lose analog video channels and those important analog test signals

19 12, 2019
  • DOCSIS Evolution

DOCSIS Evolution

2021-08-15T18:29:09-04:00December 19th, 2019|

Where we were and where we are going Hello Everyone.  This is episode 54 of Get Your Tech On, our show on All Things DOCSIS.  I'm Brady Volpe, Founder of The Volpe Firm and Nimble This. John Downey is with me and also CMTS Technical Leader at Cisco Systems, welcome John.   Today we are going to discuss DOCSIS Evolution But first from watchers:  This is in reference to another episode (52) where we were discussing another viewer’s (Jessie) issues with Hitron modems: Jason writes: Hey there! I watch the

28 05, 2019

FDX More Options for Operators

2019-05-28T11:11:54-04:00May 28th, 2019|

The full duplex (FDX) DOCSIS extension to the DOCSIS 3.1 specification has been finalized in Annex J of that spec. What does this mean? A major goal of FDX DOCSIS is the ability to deliver symmetrical data speeds up to 10 Gbps in hybrid fiber/coax (HFC) networks. How does it work? I covered some of this in the Spring 2018 issue of Broadband Library on FDX which you can find here: https://broadbandlibrary.com/full-duplex-docsis/ and will further explore the benefits of FDX now. Why FDX Now? Why am I focusing

26 02, 2019

What Can DOCSIS PNM Do For Me?

2020-06-11T11:10:05-04:00February 26th, 2019|

It's a Question You Might Ask Yourself Proactive network maintenance (PNM) has been steadily growing in acceptance and popularity over the past several years with adoption amongst cable operators from Tier 1 such as Comcast all the way to the smallest Tier 4 operators — both in the U.S. and internationally — as a tool for optimizing their work force and improving subscriber quality of experience (QoE). No longer is it seen as a shiny gimmick or a novelty to detect the poltergeist in the network before it

14 12, 2018
  • Out of Band R-PHY

Demystifying OOB and R-PHY

2020-04-02T12:21:56-04:00December 14th, 2018|

Benefits and Limitations, Choose your R-PHY Wisely In this article we dive into Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) remote PHY (R-PHY) testing challenges and how these can be overcome using out-of-band (OOB) channel communications. Test and Measurement Challenges with R-PHY Let’s understand the fundamental challenges with testing in an R-PHY world. Today’s radio frequency (RF) test equipment, such as sweep, return path monitoring, and leakage is based on analog signals. Figure 1 illustrates how typical headend / hub test equipment signals traditionally flow to or from an analog

10 09, 2018

Optimizing the DOCSIS Upstream

2018-09-10T08:37:20-04:00September 10th, 2018|

Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) version 3.1 offers a host of exciting possibilities and realities for cable operators. I have covered many of these topics in previous articles but the one thing that cannot be overlooked is the basics. It doesn’t matter how great these new technologies are if you do not pay attention to the foundation. It’s not any different than a house. If your foundation isn’t solid who cares if you have the best theater system in it. It can crumble under foot if the foundation

1 06, 2018
  • FEC

It’s All About FEC

2018-06-01T08:21:05-04:00June 1st, 2018|

We have all heard the stories of how well DOCSIS 3.1 is working. Perhaps your system has been involved in one of these stories too. One thing is true, DOCSIS 3.1 is working really well — even better than we had anticipated. Here is why DOCSIS 3.1 is working really well — it is all about forward error correction (FEC). [For the purpose of this article we will only discuss error correction in the downstream] Reed Solomon forward error correction (RS-FEC) has been used in all previous generations

20 02, 2018

Full Duplex DOCSIS

2020-04-02T12:23:26-04:00February 20th, 2018|

Putting the symmetry in DOCSIS and enabling increased bandwidth and speed.  Why does symmetry matter you ask, especially in broadband? Well you have symmetry in fiber. Big deal, right? Yes, now FDX allows for coax to do something that it could never do before, have symmetry just like fiber. So FDX continues the alphabet soup of our industry but through symmetry allows for increased broadband and speed in coax. So let’s take another bite of the alphabet soup together. In my last article I covered remote PHY (R-PHY)

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